Sunday, May 30, 2010

I cried for its turn for love to cry for me...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Dont dare to call him dog...he is BHOMBOL...

Well here comes the only handsome hunk who is allowed to stay with all the girls in the hostel!!
Right above he is taking his his most luxurious soothing bath...huh...
Guys introducing to you 'BHOMBOL'....the most lovable ones in our hostel...
he s the most decent faithful and at the sane time very naughty....he loves luxory, chicken and girls( i guess so as he feels very happy to see us....;-))
Now you can see how he relaxes over the grass, under the Sun after a cool bath.....he is really cute...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Viva voice!!

It was day before yesterday that i sat for my viva voice for the 3rd sessionals...and guess what i screwed it soo.. badly!!
With me shekinah went and she was thorough with her answers. I took a longer time to throw my words to the ear receptors of my teachers. Still i managed to answer it correctly as Mam Lis was supportive as always. The question which screwed me was about the alcohol estimation which was not clear to any of my classmates. And see my luck i had to be asked only that!!
A little bit I embarrased my teachers, as they expected better from me... Anyways i will try in the next one. But I am not happy with my performance.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I am a libran, i always between this 'right' and 'wrong' revolts in my mind. I use to think people can hurt me but i can never  hurt them... but i proved myself wrong. I have hurt Saurabh very much. He asked just for my friendship and i could not  give my words for that even.

Those days when things were not going smooth and i found hard to find someone to share with my mind, i found this guy online, in gmail. he is from delhi; and we chatted almost all day... I dont know but i found this fellow a decent kind. So found safe to make him a friend. Once as i was discussing some emotional things i happened to give my number. The next day even i talked to him over phone. He was a kind of typical UP side fellow with tose typical accents..but he was good...

At the very next moment i felt i did something very wrong. To meet me he was ready to come to shillong even;  he asked me to marry him even; and that gave me the feeling that he was falling for me and i never wanted that. It was better to cut contacts. After a two times conversation over phone i started to ignore his calls. He really tried hard to make contacts. He said sorry for his misbehaviour and just for friendship.. He was ready to talk to my nonexisting brother, as i lied to him that my brother keep objection on such friendship!! ultimately he came to know about the truth. It is just that i couldnot continue even friendship as i knew what he has in his mind actually.

I know this is something very wrong and he hates me like anything. I had never done this to anyone ever before; and now i am feeling guilty for this. I dont deserve to say sorry after hurting someone so badly. He wont even listen to me now. I simply want to confess infront of the world that i am wrong. And for this forgive me Saurabh, please. U are a very good guy and will definitely get very good girl who will understand u much better. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

The bond i shared...

We enjoyed a lot, now its time to say goodbye to them. No, we are not moving; but our little sisters are leaving the hostel one by one as they have finished their graduation this year.

This is the first time i stepped in hostel life. I always have a bad image on my mind about the hostels and people living there; specially girl's hostel. I imagined the life inside will be full of cat fights, bitching around and backbitings!! But it was all a notion... I found a much better life there...we bacame a family, always ready to help each other; I got my juniors not simply to rag on, but feel lots of love for them as they are really sweet young sisters.

We celebrated every festivals together, when any one person was unhappy we all sighed together, we shared plates, we snatched choclates, watched movies, shared our crushes till now... we lived every moments as if it is the last...forgetting that one day we have to be apart...

But You have to move ahead, you have to be on peak....May God bless you with success and happiness. may he give you the strength to face any situations boldly, may you get the partner of your life who holds your hand even in your hardships...

little friends , i will miss YOU....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Life is going good. I have finished my introduction part of my project, but still not finalised as we may later make some editions if required. Dealing with all those research papers has helped me a lot. I genuinely now feel that I am a student of molecular...

Since last week even i got a new friend to talk with. He is an old buddy but after a long time I got in contact and feel nice talk to him.

From the next monday third sessionals are starting. Oh man, anyhow we have to score good in this; in the last one the whole class got screwed!! Anyways this time Sir Herbert kept choices on us that which portion to keep for the test, so that gives a bit relief...

Today there is a party for our juniors in hostel...a farewell party. They are leaving by this month and we really gonna miss them. They are not just our juniors but our younger sisters with whom we had fun all these two years. And when they are leaving we are feeling heavy inside. We were like a family afterall.